What is Cybersecurity?
Why it is important?
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting your networks, systems, hardware and data from ransoms, digital attacks and other kind of hacking attacks. Cybersecurity is most important because it encompasses everything that pertains to protecting your website and its intellectual property, personal information, data, and governmental and industry information systems from theft and damage attempted by criminals and hackers, adversaries.
How Oryon secures
your websites and applications?
We at ORYON has the set of guidelines to perform the Cyber security and Penetration testing as per the industry standard.
ORYON have designed a service portfolio which covers the most of risk management lifecycle in order to ensure our customer benefits the most from our passion and experience, but most primarily to maximize their protection. The Penetration test starts with security assessment of your Application and server, such as penetration testing & ethical hacking for mobile applications, web applications, networks, and systems, but also vulnerability assessments and secure code review. With our Information Security Assessments. We do evaluate the governance and compliance (GRC), IT processes, so that an integral security can be succeeded. ORYON also provide design and integration of security products over all layers such as network, system, host and application, etc,. for a 360° protection.
FYI, our cyber security services rely on highly skilled security professionals & penetration testers with long-lasting experience in both defense and offense cyber security fields.

Steps Involved & Dealing with Network Security
Our network penetration testing service consumes a brief, risky dealings to get security details on your network-centric vulnerabilities that persists in-scope networks & entire host.
1. Gathering Knowledge
2. Threat Scan
3. Vulnerability Overview
4. Intruding Methodologies
5. Fix Intrusions & Threats
6. Report Analyze & Prioritize Tasks
7. Delivering Evidence
Our Services
Network penetration testing aims to do what a bad actor would do — identify and exploit vulnerabilities in your networks, systems and network devices. Yet the network pen test sets out to find any opportunities for an attack before an unauthorized user does.
By identifying real-world opportunities to compromise systems and networks, the network pen tester can provide suggestions to better protect sensitive data and prevent take-over of systems for malicious/non-business purposes.
A network penetration test typically employs globally accepted approaches based on the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES). This will include:
- Intelligence Gathering — the discovery of all accessible systems and their respective services to obtain as much information as possible.
- Threat Modeling — identifying vulnerabilities within systems via automated scans and deep-dive manual testing techniques.
- Vulnerability Analysis — documenting and analyzing vulnerabilities to develop the plan of attack.
- Exploitation — Actually carrying out the attempt to exploit
- Reporting — Delivering, ranking, and prioritizing findings to generate an actionable report, complete with evidence, for the project stakeholders.
Some network pen testing can be done using automation, but for the best results, your testers will use all the same techniques — including manual efforts — to access your network that a highly motivated bad actor might use.
All of RedTeam Security’s network penetration testing comes with free remediation testing at no additional cost, with no time limits, to help guide you in your efforts to effectively remediate any issues uncovered by our pen tests.
From web-based email to online shopping and banking, organizations are bringing their businesses directly to customers’ web browsers every day, circumventing the need for complex installations or update rollouts. Additionally, organizations are rolling out internal web applications for finance, marketing automation, and even internal communication that are often homegrown, or at least fine-tuned.
How to Effectively Test a Website Application
- Rigorously carry out cross-browser compatibility testing
- Define and select key parameters for usability tests
- Execute performance tests under various conditions
- Apply tests to all elements, third-party, and extensions of the web app
- Ensure load tests are incrementally performed
- Incorporate exploratory testing into the software development lifecycle
- Keep URL strings unalterable in security tests
- Involve the development team throughout the testing process
- Vulnerability Scanning: This is done through automated software to scan a system against known vulnerability signatures.
- Security Scanning: It involves identifying network and system weaknesses, and later provides solutions for reducing these risks. This scanning can be performed for both Manual and Automated scanning.
- Penetration testing: This kind of testing simulates an attack from a malicious hacker. This testing involves analysis of a particular system to check for potential vulnerabilities to an external hacking attempt.
- Risk Assessment: This testing involves analysis of security risks observed in the organization. Risks are classified as Low, Medium and High. This testing recommends controls and measures to reduce the risk.
- Security Auditing: This is an internal inspection of Applications and Operating systems for security flaws. An audit can also be done via line by line inspection of code
- Ethical hacking: It’s hacking an Organization Software systems. Unlike malicious hackers, who steal for their own gains, the intent is to expose security flaws in the system.
- Posture Assessment: This combines Security scanning, Ethical Hacking and Risk Assessments to show an overall security posture of an organization.
External testing
External penetration tests target the assets of a company that are visible on the internet, e.g., the web application itself, the company website, and email and domain name servers (DNS). The goal is to gain access and extract valuable data.
Internal testing
In an internal test, a tester with access to an application behind its firewall simulates an attack by a malicious insider. This isn’t necessarily simulating a rogue employee. A common starting scenario can be an employee whose credentials were stolen due to a phishing attack.
Blind testing
In a blind test, a tester is only given the name of the enterprise that’s being targeted. This gives security personnel a real-time look into how an actual application assault would take place.
Double-blind testing
In a double blind test, security personnel have no prior knowledge of the simulated attack. As in the real world, they won’t have any time to shore up their defenses before an attempted breach.
Targeted testing
In this scenario, both the tester and security personnel work together and keep each other appraised of their movements. This is a valuable training exercise that provides a security team with real-time feedback from a hacker’s point of view.
To avoid Incoming/Outgoing SPAM emails on your server we have our very own SPAM preventing infrastructure. With this Anti-spam infrastructure, your emails will be safe from SPAM issues.
To prevent Spoof issues, we enable advanced spoof protection mechanism for your domain including below methods.
- SPF (Sender Policy Framework): This checks whether a certain IP is authorized to send mail from a given domain. SPF may lead to false positives, and still requires the receiving server to do the work of checking an SPF record, and validating the email sender.
- DKIM (Domain Key Identified Mail): This method uses a pair of cryptographic keys that are used to sign outgoing messages, and validate incoming messages. However, because DKIM is only used to sign specific pieces of a message, the message can be forwarded without breaking the validity of the signature. This is technique is referred to as a “replay attack”.
- DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): This method gives a sender the option to let the receiver know whether its email is protected by SPF or DKIM, and what actions to take when dealing with mail that fails authentication. DMARC is not yet widely used.