Secure your websites and applications

Protect your data with End to End Encryption using SSL certificates

Oryon offers a range of SSL options ensuring your website security and webserver security with HTTPS. Also, it make sure that the public servers and sites are in line with industry best practices.

Our support team help you on generating CSR based on the server IP address, Domain Name, Certificate, Private Key, Certificate Authority Bundle(CA-Bundle). This certificate helps the website connection and forwards encrypted request to the server.

Secured Algorithms

SHA-256 hashing algorithm
RSA 2048+ or ECC 256, 384 bit keys supported

Unlimited Reissues

Get your certificate reissued as many time as you want.

Universally compatible

Compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices (not IntranetSSL)

Plans and Pricing

Alpha SSL
  • Global Sign Brand SSL

  • Domain (DV)
  • Single Domain such as or
  • Upto 256 bit key length
  • Encryption from 2048 bit
  • Free Unlimited reissues

Best Value

Alpha SSL (Wildcard)
  • Global Sign Brand SSL

  • Organisation (OV)
  • All Sub-domains under a single domain such as *
  • Upto 256 bit key length
  • Encryption from 2048 bit
  • Free Unlimited reissues

EV Extended SSL
  • Global Sign Brand SSL

  • Extended (EV)
  • Single Domain such as or
  • Upto 256 bit key length
  • Encryption from 2048 bit
  • Free Unlimited reissues

Features Offered

Value of services associated with our SSL certificates

Frequently Asked Questions

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser.
In a fully managed cloud server hosting environment, Oryon directly and exclusively manages all aspects of the server’s hardware and software stack (etc LAMP), including updating of all necessary operating system patches to address server security vulnerabilities and bugs. The customer is responsible only for managing the application(s) or website(s) they install on the server.
With the padlock in the browser address bar, the user can be confident a website is safe when providing details.  In 2017, with Google’s push for a more secure and performant web, there is a search ranking boost for secure website. Google began officially warning website owners that non HTTPS sites would incur consumer messaging that identified the site as non-secure.
Yes, you can purchase SSL certificates from ORYON even if your website is not hosted with us.
Any representative or authorized person from the organization can purchase SSL from us. However, you have to verify website ownership in order to issue the SSL.

EV SSL Certificates can be used in all applications that require stronger identity assurance and added trust. High profile websites often targeted for phishing attacks, such as major brands, banks or financial institutions, can use EV SSL Certificates for their public facing websites, but any website collecting data, processing logins or online payments can also benefit from displaying their verified brand identity.

Issuing criteria:

  • Establish the legal identity as well as the operational and physical presence of website owner;
  • Establish that the applicant is the domain name owner or has exclusive control over the domain name;
  • Confirm the identity and authority of the individuals acting for the website owner, and that documents pertaining to legal obligations are signed by an authorized officer.
  • Limit the duration of certificate validity to ensure the certificate information is up to date. CA/B Forum is also limiting the maximum re-use of domain validation data and organisation data to maximum of 397 days (must not exceed 398 days) from March 2020 onward
Our Support Team who is available 24x7x365 will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have on the live chat.
For questions and enquiries related to device setup and administration, please refer to

Need help? Call us (+91) 96775 29002